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Jun 22, 2021

The annual Selective Mutism Association Conference will be held in a fully-virtual format on October 2 and 3, 2021.
Click here for more information
Also check out SMA's library of free webinars:

Apr 12, 2021

Dr. Steven Kurtz of Kurtz Psychology talks about teaching Self-Advocacy in Selective Mutism Treatment and shares success stories! 

Don't miss the free upcoming webinars at SMA

Apr 1, 2021

Chelsea talks about the differences between tantrums & meltdowns. 


Order my children's book I Am Brave: 

Mar 5, 2021

Chelsea and Anne talk about her new children's book, I Am Brave. They announce a signed book giveaway coming soon to our instagram and Facebook page!

Link to the book:

Our Instagram:

Our Facebook:

Feb 21, 2021

Caitlin and Jessica are sisters who grew up with Selective Mutism and anxiety. They tell us the similarities and differences in their experiences. 

If you're interested in being a guest on Outloud The Selective Mutism Podcast Click Here

Order I Am Brave